Welcome to the Southern Arizona Law Enforcement Center (SALETC), the premier academy in Southern Arizona for basic academy training.
We have a state of the art 144-acre facility, with a recently improved 10-acre emergency vehicle operations center, a multi-use firearms training center which allows for training in all available law enforcement weapons systems, multiple classrooms, a recently upgraded mat room, and a dorm facility.
Training at SALETC is accomplished through classroom lecture, hands-on training, and leverages the use of technology in order to provide you certification as an Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training (AZPOST) Peace Officer during the course of a 24-week training program.
The SALETC training is a para-military training program that is both physically and mentally demanding. In order to be successful, you must be self disciplined, motivated, and responsible and you will learn to accomplish goals through the use of teamwork while maintaining a positive attitude.
Training you receive at the academy will provide the foundation for 21st century policing and establish your role as a servant to your community.
Training Staff